The rants and chants of a Software Developer.

Pitfalls of Unoptimized NuGet Packages
Summary You might unknowingly be using an unoptimized dependency which could impact the performance of your app. Now, it’s easy to get a warning if that happens, at build time, using the NuGet package UnoptimizedAssemblyDetector: <PackageReference Include="UnoptimizedAssemblyDetector" Version="0.1.0"> <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> </PackageReference> After you add this NuGet package, a warning will be included in your build if any unoptimized assembly is detected. The source code of project is hosted on GitHub ⭐....

Hell world
As we buckle up and head into 2021, I took the time to prepare a new place to write my thoughts. The opening theme will be a typo, which I hope is to be the first of many. As it usually goes, a new year comes with new years resolutions. And here are mine: Write a blog post. At least once per year. Console.WriteLine("Hell world."); println!("Hell world."); print('Hell world.'); println("Hell world....